Music artists

Music creation had already started before the founding of AMC and the first productions can be found as early as 1987. There have been dozens of artists and thousands of gigs. The Music page shows the publications in which we have been involved and from which there is some trace left in the history books. Here, however, we present the current entertainment ambassadors. Some of the productions are made under the name AGM Good Music.


During 2021, we will be releasing music from an artist named K.O.Green — “The artist formerly known as K.Särkijärvi”. IT will have its own page, we will add all possible links to it, like YouTube, FB, Spotify and just anything else we can come up with.

Go to the
K.O. Green page.

The Sillysallad 70's

A party band that has received really good feedback and has done a gig with a mainly 70s theme. The band also covers other eras and themes.

For partying in a restaurant, corporate events, etc. As a wedding band, it is suitable for large parties.

Sillysallad TRIO

This trio is close to musical stand-up comedy. Not just because of the carefree and quirky song choices, but also because of all sorts of raps and bad jokes.

For some reason, as a wedding band, for cruise fans or corporate guests, the band is wanted over and over again. Suitable fun but without the drummer drowning out proceedings ...

A ONE MAN BAND solution is also offered by K.Särkijärvi.

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